Mathew Tamin
Joomla Instructor & Entrepreneur
Mathew Tamin is one of the top Joomla! instructors on the web. Since 2007, Mathew have been using Joomla to create websites for businessess from all over the world. With over 8 years as a web designer, marketer, and branding specialist, Mathew can help you take your business to another level
Total learners in this course:75 +.
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Selling online is a big, BIG business. With billions of dollars made daily, people are always looking for something to buy. Online stores like eBay and Amazon are making billions of dollars yearly just by selling products. While most people want to sell online, some don't because they can't afford the high cost ($1500+) of hiring a web designer/developer to create a website for them. But not to worry.
This new course will teach you how ANYONE can setup their own online store without hiring an expensive designer/developer to create a website for them. We understand that for most startups/small businesses, you don't have the $6000+ budget it requires to hire a team to create your online store. So...we're going to teach you how to do it yourself.

Total learners in this course:345 +.

Mathew Tamin
Joomla Instructor & Entrepreneur
Mathew Tamin is one of the top Joomla! instructors on the web. Since 2007, Mathew have been using Joomla to create websites for businessess from all over the world. With over 8 years as a web designer, marketer, and branding specialist, Mathew can help you take your business to another level
Total learners in this course:75 +.

How to Create an Online Store With Joomla
Create your own online store and sell unlimited products on your website. No monthly fees or product limit.
This new course will teach you how ANYONE can setup their own online store without hiring an expensive designer/developer to create a website for them. We understand that for most startups/small businesses, you don't have the $6000+ budget it requires to hire a team to create your online store. So...we're going to teach you how to do it yourself.
Total learners in this course:350 +.
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How to create a Social Network Website With Joomla
Create a powerful social network life Facebook & Linkedin. Allow members to create and manager their own profiles.
Social networks have played a major role in how we communicate and network with people. From Geocities, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Linked, etc, all of these networks have completely transformed how we communicate.
The reason why social networks have been so effective is because they allow us to:
1. Connect with people or businesses
2. Share what we love
3. Create a dedicated following
4. Sell our products/services easily
5. Make easy money without any experience
6. Promote our businesses to the masses
7. And many more
1. Connect with people or businesses
2. Share what we love
3. Create a dedicated following
4. Sell our products/services easily
5. Make easy money without any experience
6. Promote our businesses to the masses
7. And many more
Total learners in this course:345 +.
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How to Create a Membership Forum Website With Joomla
Learn how to create an effective membership forum website and provide excellent customer support to your clients.
One of the keys to running a successful business is providing excellent customer support. Study shows that you can increase your sales and productivity by a whopping 400% just by offering great customer support.
When your clients need help and can't get it immediately or find somewhere to get it, they get frustrated and angry which is what you don't want. Let's face it, running your business takes up so much of your time that you can't provide the support your clients deserve. That's why it's time to create a forum to better assist them.
In this course, you will learn how to create a forum that will alleviate so much time and headache off your plate.
Total learners in this course:340 +.
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